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So This is Happening...

Writer's picture: SarennaSarenna

As most of you know by now, especially if you're here on this website reading this blog, that my best friend and I have done a thing. We combined our love of coffee, movies and tv into this thing and created a brand on Instagram and decided to dive into the podcast world.

We each have a separate Instagram account for our coffee talk, but we thought to take it one step further, since we're always sharing what we're watching or always quoting from movies and tv shows, why not do something we love and share it with the world! And that is how Oye with the Coffee Already was born. We take a movie/tv show and we dissect, talk about it and share some fun facts about it. We have 3 episodes out now and wow, it's been a journey so far. We are still learning and barely starting out, but holy shit y'all, it's been an amazing ride. It's also done wonders for my mental health.

Not to get off track or too dark, but at the start of all things Covid, I was not doing well mentally. My kids had just got done being sick the whole month of February and I was a mess. I mean, I'm still a mess, but much more organized, if there is such a thing. Anyway, I was just not doing well at all. As time has gone on and we go into month 9 of all this craziness, I am so thankful for my best friends who have been there for me to help me through the rough patches. I'm especially thankful for Kristen, who listened to all my crazy worries, rants and conspiracy theories. She helped talk me off the ledge many times and so by going into this coffee thing and podcast world with her, it is an honor. Also, please keep in mind that we are doing this 2200+ miles from one another. I am here in California and she is in Illinois. We are learning how to navigate this wonderful world wide web with all the tools that are available to us. Learning how to use our social media platforms to help us get further. It's funny, because I had been taking a break from Facebook and had mostly been active on Instagram and to be perfectly honest, I was not looking forward to going back onto Facebook, but here we are!

I actually just started the podcast page on Facebook and in the middle of getting everything up and running on there, I sent an invite out to all of my friends list and it took me about 10 minutes to realize what the fuck I had just done. I mean sure, I'm on Instagram and I'm sharing on there and letting everyone know there what I've been doing and what I have going on, but everyone is able to skip through stories or scroll on by, but by sending out invites to almost 275 people was absolutely terrifying! I legit had a moment of panic and sent a message to Kristen kind of freaking out, because now people know what I am doing and I am opening myself up to all sorts of feedback. I mean, I'm hear for it, rate, review and subscribe, but the reality is, that even though I'm very selective in who I have in my circle, not everyone will like what we say or what we do. And that literally makes my stomach hurt, but I digress...

In all honesty, if there is one thing that 2020 has taught me, it's to take a chance, because you may never get another. So cliche, I know, but it goes deeper than that for me. I don't mean to just try it and if it doesn't happen, then oh well, I took a chance. I mean, for me I find myself really submersing myself into this thing that we have going. Day in and day out. Really trying to build something tangible. Something that is mine and ours. Especially on the days when things get heavy, I stop and pray and see what else I can work on to make this better. Even if it's making a new graphic for the next episode or a blog post. It puts my mindset back into a positive light, because it has me focusing on something that is bringing me joy. Not only joy, but creativity. It is allowing the qualities I love about myself to shine. It's just reminding me, that even though things are dark and bleak looking right now, I still have this thing that is bringing me joy and working on it with my best friend has helped my mental state a bunch.

Anyway, I just wanted to take the time for a little blogy blog and give a quick update as to how I'm doing with all of this. I think it's an amazing opportunity for us and I'm so thankful to be able to do it and it's been so much fun so far. We have so many ideas that we float around with one another and I love when were able to get them off the ground and running. So if you have made it this far, please do us a huge favor and head on over to any one of these platforms and please rate, review and subscribe. You don't even have to listen to us if you don't want to, but it helps to get us higher on each platform. You can find us on Spotify, Stitcher, iTunes and Google Play Podcasts!

Thank you for reading! Byyeee!

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